Terms of service

Welcome to Gene Gate

Gene Gate, in collaboration with Omics Edge, LLC based in the USA, offers direct-to-consumer genetic information and services, providing detailed reports based on your unique genome. Our platform is designed to help you learn about your genetic makeup, easily discover information relevant to your genetics and lifestyle, and connect with others on the same journey. However, it is important to note that Gene Gate’s services are strictly for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide medical, mental healthcare, or nutritional therapy services, nor do we diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, condition, or other physical or mental ailment. By accessing our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.

1. Requirements for Use of the Services

To use Gene Gate’s services, you must be at least 18 years old, or if you are providing a sample or data for another person, you must have legal authorization to do so, and that person must be at least 18 years old. You also confirm that no applicable laws in Dubai or your jurisdiction prohibit you from using our services.

2. Sample Collection and Processing

By providing a saliva sample to Gene Gate, you acknowledge and consent to our testing, analysis, and processing of the sample through subcontractors and associated labs. We aim to provide you with relevant information to help you make informed decisions. However, in rare cases (less than 5% of cases), your sample may not be processed due to insufficient DNA volume, inadequate saliva, or other issues. If this occurs, we will inform you promptly and request a new sample for re-processing. You may be required to pay a reshipping fee of 500 AED for the replacement kit.

3. Non-Medical Nature of Services

Gene Gate is not a medical or mental healthcare provider and does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or condition. Our platform and services are designed to connect you with genetic insights and, if needed, independent health professionals such as Program coaches. However, these professionals are not acting as licensed healthcare providers (e.g., primary care doctors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors). If you require licensed healthcare services, your Program coach may recommend a licensed practitioner in your area. You agree to consult with your physician or another qualified healthcare professional regarding any questions or concerns about your specific health situation, including pregnancy, food sensitivities, allergies, dietary restrictions, or medications you are currently taking. You agree not to disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or stop taking any medications without first consulting your physician.

4. Additional Terms and Policies

Your use of Gene Gate’s services is also subject to additional terms, policies, or rules that we may post or link to on our website. These include Gene Gate’s Privacy Policy and any other applicable terms. All such terms are considered part of these Terms of Service and are incorporated by reference.

5. Description of Services

Gene Gate’s services include a range of features and functions related to genetic interpretation, including:

-Uploading a Genotype File: You may upload a genotype file containing data about your DNA, which we store and analyze in compliance with applicable data privacy regulations. By uploading your genetic information, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy and other applicable terms.

-Gene Gate Platform: Our platform provides insights based on the genetic information you provide. These insights are tailored to your specific genetic makeup and delivered through our services and products. You authorize Gene Gate to use and interpret your genetic information according to our Privacy Policy to provide you with a customized experience.

-Gene Gate Account: You will have access to a Gene Gate Account where you can manage your genetic information, view insights, and manage other account settings. Your account may be subject to certain limitations depending on your subscription type.

6. User Responsibilities and Conduct

As a user of Gene Gate’s services, you agree to provide accurate and complete information when creating your account and to keep your account information up to date. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your account. You agree to notify Gene Gate immediately of any unauthorized access or security breaches. Gene Gate reserves the right to terminate your account if you violate these terms. You also agree to use the services lawfully and responsibly. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, impersonation, harassment, unauthorized distribution of content, misuse of the services, and the submission of misleading or inaccurate information. Gene Gate reserves the right to terminate accounts that engage in such activities.

7. Genetic Information and Privacy

Gene Gate values your privacy and will not disclose your genetic information to third parties without your express consent, except as required by law or as necessary to provide our services. You understand that your genetic information is personal and sensitive and that sharing it with others, including healthcare professionals, may have implications for your privacy and for your family members.

8. Limitations of Genetic Interpretation

Genetics is an evolving field, and the information provided by Gene Gate is based on current scientific knowledge, which may change over time. Our services are intended for research, information, and educational purposes only and are not intended for diagnostic use. You should not make health decisions based solely on our reports and should consult with a healthcare professional before taking any action. Gene Gate does not guarantee the accuracy of its genetic interpretations and is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of this information.

9. Subscription and Payment Terms

Gene Gate offers its services through various subscription models, including one-time, and yearly fees. You agree to pay for all services or products purchased, including any applicable fees and taxes. Prices are subject to change, and services are provided on a non-diagnostic basis. Gene Gate does not submit insurance claims for its services, and fees are not guaranteed to be covered by health insurance. In the event of a price reduction or promotion, Gene Gate does not offer refunds or price protections on previous purchases.

10. Changes to Terms and Services

Gene Gate reserves the right to revise and update these Terms of Service at any time. Changes take effect immediately upon posting, and your continued use of the services indicates your acceptance of the revised terms. Gene Gate may also withdraw or amend any portion of the services without notice, and will not be liable if any part of the services is unavailable at any time.

11. Consent to Data Use and Research

By using Gene Gate’s services, you consent to the use and disclosure of your genetic information for the purposes of providing services, conducting research, and improving healthcare. This consent includes the transfer of your data between Gene Gate and its affiliates or third-party providers. Your data may also be used for research purposes, including statistical studies and publication in peer-reviewed journals. You have the right to opt out of certain uses of your data by providing prior written notice to Gene Gate. However, opting out may affect the services provided to you.

12. User Content and Feedback

Gene Gate does not claim ownership of any content that you create or submit as part of the services, such as photos, comments, or other information. However, by submitting content, you grant Gene Gate a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, modify, and distribute your content. Gene Gate is not responsible for any third-party content shared on its platform and disclaims liability for any offensive or misleading content.

13. Intellectual Property Rights

All content on Gene Gate’s site and services, including text, graphics, and software, is owned by Gene Gate or its licensors. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive license to use the services for personal, non-commercial purposes. Unauthorized use of the services or content may result in termination of your account and legal action.

14. Communications

By using Gene Gate, you consent to receive electronic communications from us, including emails, texts, and push notifications. These communications fulfill any legal requirement for written notice, and you agree to receive such communications in connection with your account and use of our services.

15. Customer Support and Contact Information

For support or inquiries, you may contact Gene Gate through our website or via email. We are committed to addressing your concerns and ensuring a positive experience with our services.