About us

At GeneGate we are at the forefront of revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Our personalized health recommendations are based on a combination of your DNA, lab results, and environmental factors. Our aim is to help you understand and benefit from the endless insights and diversity of information that your genetics can reveal.
We utilize the latest lab and bioinformatics technologies to compile easy-to-understand and effective reports that can help you make informed decisions for a healthier life.

About Us

Our vision

Our vision is to empower people to live longer and healthier lives by unlocking the hidden information in their body’s DNA.

Our mission

Our mission is to reveal DNA information that significantly affects your health and lifestyle. This information can help you prevent inherited risks by taking wise actions under the guidance of healthcare professionals. With a focus on healthier living, treatment may not always be necessary.

Why choose us

Our vision is to empower people to live longer and healthier lives by unlocking the hidden information in their body’s DNA.

  • checked-icon We provide high-quality, data-driven, evidence-based information
  • checked-icon Your personalized reports are based on well-established scientific and medical research.
  • checked-icon Our non-invasive specimen, home-based saliva collection kit makes sample collection easy.
  • checked-icon We use the latest AI and machine-learning technology for data analysis.
  • checked-icon All saliva samples are processed in a CLIA-certified lab using certified DNA collection kits.
  • checked-icon We continually update our reports as better data becomes available, ensuring that you always have the most accurate and up-to-date information.
  • checked-icon Genotyping, a well-established and reliable platform for analyzing DNA, is used in our reports.
  • checked-icon Our reports look at several genetic locations to report single genetic traits status.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team at [email protected]